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Horse Knows Best!


Hey there, fellow horse lovers,

Today, I come to you with fire in my heart and passion in my soul, to share a bold and personal declaration about what it truly means to train WITH our beloved horses in a way that cherishes their joy and well-being above all. I’m not just any trainer—I’m one who has embraced a path that many others dare not tread. Why? Because trainers are still focussing on what they want. Finding clever tactics to succeed. These methods are failing our horses, and it’s high time we faced this truth.

Exposing the Flaws of Conventional Training
Let’s get real: too many trainers out there are solely focused on their own aspirations, pushing horses to reach their desired outcomes with little thought for how it impacts the animal’s soul. This relentless chase for perfection and improvement and for some, accolades often masks a deeper struggle—horses left stressed, worn out, dispirited and broken. It’s a travesty. We owe it to our equine friends to change this narrative.

Circling and Choice: The Heart of Joyful Training
In my world, a horse never circles around me out of sheer obligation. The circle between a horse and a human should be a dance that’s entered with mutual enthusiasm. When a horse circles willingly, it’s a testament to their joy and trust. They circle because they feel good with me. It may be half a circle or even less, but when it’s done with good feelings, its perfect. If they’re not feeling it, we stop—because their genuine willingness is the bedrock of our relationship.

Honor Natural Expression, Reject Forced Performance
I champion natural expression over pressed performance every time. Movements such as the collection should emerge naturally if and only when the horse is ready and willing, embodying genuine pride and good feelings. Forced or coerced collection is a crime against the spirit of horses.

The Ugly Truth of Piaffe and Rearing
Trained rearing is a nightmare for our horses—it's stressful and dangerous, upsetting their balance and peace of mind. It’s not the same as levade. Levade is a collected rear where the horse is balanced in both body and spirit. But even levade must come from the horse’s own will. It should be something they naturally want to do. Most don’t want to do it. Respect that!

And the piaffe—proudly displayed yet so deeply misunderstood. Trainers who push for piaffe believe they are showcasing elite skill. But here’s the unvarnished truth: naturally piaffe materialises from stress, not joy. Understand this. Absorb it. And join me in vowing never to ask our horses for a movement born out of tension and anxiety.

Authentic Communication: Embracing the Power of “No

When we interact with our horses, seeking out and respecting their “no” is absolutely transformative. A “no” carries as much weight as a “yes,” and represents a genuine, wholehearted dialogue. When a horse declines, they're sharing their true feelings, and by honoring this, we build a relationship grounded in mutual respect and trust. Many horses comply out of obligation, not desire. By encouraging them to express a “no,” you ignite a connection that blossoms into something extraordinary, unlocking depths of understanding and companionship you never dreamed possible!

Embrace Natural and Balanced Movements
Lateral movements like the shoulder-in can truly delight a horse when they remain in control of the motion. Our role is to guide and support, illuminating the path to their own potential and enhancing their sense of well-being. However, any movement we introduce should nourish both their physicality and mental serenity.
Avoid falling into the trap of forcing unnatural, uncomfortable movements, such as the half-pass that has an unnatural flexion. These movements disrupt the horse's natural biomechanical instincts and create imbalance. You’ll never see a horse performing half-pass in the paddock. If you don’t see your individual horse doing it, don’t ask for it! Instead, prioritise their comfort and willingness. When your horse feels supported and understood, they thrive in the freedom of balanced, harmonious movements.

The Adventure Walks: Liberty in Leading
For naturally curious and brave horses, embrace shared leadership during adventure walks. Forget about covering a specific distance or reaching a particular destination, and instead be PRESENT. Engage in wonderful conversations about your surroundings, enjoy moments together, and indulge in plenty of grazing! It’s not a regimented exercise drill. When liberated from pressure, these confident horses excel in expressing their joy through exploration, creating meaningful and positive experiences.

For those horses who struggle with confidence or find it hard to leave their companions, acknowledge and RESPECT their challenges. Respect who they are. Forcing them into roles that don’t align with their nature only leads to their distress and leaves you constantly disappointed. Instead, take the time to understand them. There are countless activities you can enjoy together. Don’t be the owner who imposes unpleasant stressful demands—maximize your bond by allowing your horse to shine in their own unique way.

Redefine Success
Every single interaction and movement initiation we share with our horses should be aimed at enhancing their health and happiness. Embrace their expressive state of mind with all its resounding ‘no’s and their perfect bodies with all their supposed ‘flaws’—these are our guiding stars in the training cosmos. This isn't just a deviation from the conventional view of success; it's a profound redefinition of what success truly means FOR your horse.

Courage to Challenge the Norms & Empower Horses
Following our way of being with horses often involves pushing against the currents of conventional wisdom. It means standing firm in the face of skepticism and rejection. But it’s a steadfast commitment to our horses that we stand by, knowing their genuine joy and health are non-negotiable. Embarking on this journey offers extraordinary promises. When we prioritise joy and respect, we forge partnerships built on endearing trust and mutual contentment. This is the art of LivingTheHorse at its most authentic peak. Together, let’s reshape this community to one that truly honors the incredible spirits and the rights of our equine friends.

With unwavering passion and dedication,

Let’s Talk About Whips

I was a dominant force. I used the whip to impose my will, to punish, and to achieve my goals...

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Mutual Respect

Today it's much more about subtle manipulation and coercion— the horse and the people...

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Truth Seeker

I remember turning to her, defensively. "You just don't know what you're looking at. You’re not educated.....

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