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Our unique approach respects the individuality and rights of every horse by seeking their truth and empowering their voice. A horse with a voice is a safe and mindful horse, capable of genuine enjoyment and deep learning. Our unique approach to horse empowerment emphasises understanding the horse's perspective rather than imposing our goals through positive or negative reinforcement. By honoring each horse's individuality, we establish an environment of mutual respect and enthusiasm. This distinct approach ensures that our horses are not just trained but truly empowered.

Living The Horse DOCUMENTARY

My goal is to help change the world for horses and humans, so we all experience more harmony. This film follows my path of the horse and the students of the horse. You might want some tissues handy, and I encourage you to find a quiet place to watch where you won't be interrupted. Paulette x


Owning Your Truth

* 9 Month Online Course

* Lifetime Access

Experience a transformative journey across three trimesters where you will identify your personal truth, harness your feminine energy, find your unique voice, access inner joy, and turn difficult conversations into opportunities for empathy and connection.